Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Beginning Our Sixth Month

It is hard to believe we are starting our sixth month soon. But it is because of brethren like Elder Loli and many others, that we have been able to accomplish what we have to this point. This is a picture Elder W. at the top of the stairs with Elder Loli. He will be released in May, we will miss him a great deal. He is a wonderful teacher.

This was the meeting we were attending. It is in a Stake called Huacho. It is in the Northern part of Lima. In the beginning of the meeting (the front half of the chapel,) Elder Loli taught the Priesthood. The Stake Presidency, Bishops, Branch Presidencies. In the second part of the training inculded the students and their parents. He taught that if a person really wants to work, there is work available. He brought the classified ads with him and read some of the ads. A good deal of our particpicants tell us they don't have work, so they can't pay their loan. The left side of the chapel is full also. It was a great meeting. Elder W. taught for about an hour. They understand a little bit more the focus of the progam of Perpetual Education is to help them obtain a better life.
This is a photo of Elder W. teaching about our part of the equation to Samuel Gomez. Samuel is from Bogota, Columbia. He is the Co-ordinator of the PEF program in the South America Northwest Area. He has a good deal to learn. I don't mean that in a bad way, he is young and wants very much to do a good job.

This is how we send our grandchildren their birthday messages. I know it must to be very hard for you all to believe that Lima, Peru does not have a mail system! I mean it.
I'm not making that up. We have tried to mail our christmas cards now for almost 3 months. All the bills for our apartment and the information that comes to the offices, are brought by curriers. So, in order to let our grandchildren know we remember their birthday, we take a photo with our sign, (hand made by grandma,) and send an email off to the birthday child. I think it is really a pretty smart way to do it. I do have to keep on my toes, we have 21 grandchildren to send these messages to. Some months there are up to 3 birthdays in a month. We miss them all and want them to know that we do think of them all the time.
Elder W. has been sick almost the entire time we have been here. It actually started before we came. It feels like there is something very important to be done, and Satan does not want it accomplished. Every time he is feeling better, the very next day he begins to get sick again. The poor Mission Dr. probably thinks he is crazy, but he has really been ill much of the time, but he pushes through it and keeps working. So, I am not only his secretary but his nurse also. My children will tell you what a bad patient he can be. Thankfully, today he is feeling much better after the 4th round of antibiotics for different ailments. We may have a handle on it at last (fingers crossed.) I sure hope so, we need some restat night, you'll understand by the next story.
OK...the story of my shoes. This was absolutely my craziest day for me. I have NEVER done this before! This happened last Friday. We were a little late getting started for our day, I got ready very fast. As our driver arrived, I ran back for my shoes (which I should have taken out when I dressed.) As you can see, I pulled two shoes from the closet, put them on and ran out the door. I got to the office and after several hours I needed to use the restroom. As I was sitting there, I looked down and almost screamed. One black shoe, one brown shoe. They are the same style, different colors. I began to laugh so hard, you can imagine.
I was almost in tears I laughed and laughed.
I prayed so hard that no one else would come in the bathroom. My girls are probably crying right now reading this. When I returned to my desk, (almost running) I took OFF my shoes and went barefoot the rest of the day. I am more than sure it will not happen again, at least not to me. I did not even want to tell Elder W., but it was so funny, I could not help it. I knew he probably would never let me forget it, but now you all know!
We are so blessed to be here in Lima. The work can be tiring. I know this is the work of the Lord and it is important because He loves all his sons and daughters, and I love Him, because He loves me. The Lord restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth for our benefit. We are blessed when we live by the precepts and ordinances and we serve others wherever we are.
Until I write again,
Hermana W.