Saturday, July 3, 2010

Friends and Missionaries in Lima

This is "La familia Rebaza." Armando Rebaza is the Bishop of our ward. He has worked for the Church for some time. Before we came to Lima, he worked in the PEF program, then they promoted him to the records department. He is wonderful. His sense of humor is so great, but he can be very serious also. I am sure the young men in the ward have a good time with him. He makes me laugh all the time.

Here is a good example. In our chapel, we have a digital piano, organ combo. So, if there is no one who can play, we have the hymns already recorded in the organ.
One Sunday we entered the chapel and he was sitting at the organ, it was playing softly. I walked over to take a picture and said, "I did not know that you played the organ" and this is what he did. He said "I don't."
I had to take this picture of him. He was so proud of himself getting me like that, this is typical of him.

We had a very special devotional this last week.
This is a picture of Elder W. and I with the Area Presidency. (l to r) Elder Gaverett, Elder Pino, myself, Elder W. and Elder Nash.
It was a farewell to Elder Gaverett and his wife. He has been called to Salt Lake for another assignement. In August our Area will get a new councelor to replace him. President Nash and his family are in the United States for their month of "home leave." They will return in August.

In this picture are Sisters Seegmiller, Beals, Gaverett and Abeyta. Elder and Sister Seegmiller are new to the mission this last two weeks, they will be working in Perpetual Education. Sister Beal's husband is the Executive Secretary to the Area Presidency. Sister Abeyta and her husband are auditors in the records department. They travel and train the clerks in the Stakes around the five countries of our Area. Sister Gaverett is the wife of Elder Gaverett is originally from Uraguay, but they have lived in many different countries because of his assignments.

I took this picture in front of the painting of the Savior to remind us all, that this is not our program but that of our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
This is Elder Whitaker, Samuel Gomez, Henry Utrilla and Andres Villegas.
Samuel is the Area Coordinator, Henry is the Supervisor of the Call Center and Andres is the Application Supervisor.
Elder W. is a tough "hombre." With his many various assignments he has been taught by the best and has learned well the lessons of administration. I am his personal secretary, we do make a great team.

So, there you have my latest installment. I pray this writing finds you all well. Life is not easy, but with Jesus Christ at the center of our lives and with lots of prayer and hard work; we can accomplish anything. I learned many, many years ago; "anything worth having, is worth working for." And that is true!

Until I write again,
My love to you all,

Hermana W.