Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Little Of This And A Little Of That

Hi everyone; it has been a little while since I have updated this blog. Sorry, we have just been a little busy with our assignment. I hope you enjoy this installment.
Before I get started on several of the things that have been happening here, I want to show you a good friend of ours from right here in Lima.

He is Arturo Fernandez. He and his family recently (July 1st) left for Arequipa, Peru where he is the new Mission President. They will have the experience of their lifetime.

We wish he and his family the very best. We are certain the Lord will bless them in their efforts.

On July 29th, we had a wonderful Devotional to commemorate "Dia de Patria." It is a celebration of Peru's winning independence in 1821. Peru celebrates the entire month of July.

This is a photo of the musicians and dancers who entertained us. Their boxes are actually their drums. There is a hole cut in the back so they sit on the top of the box and drum on the front.

There was also a musical trio of men. One man had another drum, he did most of the singing, two other men played guitars. They can be seen in the back on the right of this photo. So, here they are dancing for us.

It was a fun morning; mind you it was 8:30 in the morning! We were served juice and roast beef sandwiches. I guess that might be considered a very early "brunch." It did start our day off very well.

The entire office building had a wonderful time. After the dancing exhibition, the cancers choose people from the audience to dance with them.

At this point in the morning, many employees began walking out the door heading for their office and the work waiting to be done. I guess they did not want to be chosen to dance.

In this next photo, you will see a large group of "Senior Missionaries" not making a move so as not to be asked to dance (that is against the rules).

There are 4 sets of "Seniors" sitting in this area, I'll bet you can pick them out!

I have written about this event before....time for the
"Lunch Bunch" again.

Each month, sisters from the United States get together for a pot luck luncheon. This month Sister Armstrong offered to be our hostess.

We love our luncheons because it is our time to get to know one another a little bit better. We have different assignments and many of us do not see one another often.

Good food, great company, a wonderful afternoon all the way around!

It was especially nice of her because; she and her family just returned from "home leave" (the month of July) the week before the luncheon. After retuning to Peru, they had to move to this home just 3 days before our Tuesday meal.

Bro. Armstrong works as an attorney for the Church. They are great friends!

This is Sis. Armstrong (white sweater) and their dog "Perky." I thank her again for being our hostess. Their new home is beautiful.

I took this photo just as we were all leaving the luncheon. Sis. Seegmiller is looking out at the green garden like park right outside the Armstrong's window. When I showed her the photo I said, "a penny for your thoughts." We laughed and then began a little game to title the photo. We decided we would call it "GREEN GARDEN ENVY." Since all the missionaries live in apartments, we all long for our yards and gardens (whatever the size) at home.

Just a small side note. Today in Sacrament, we met Brother Clay Christensen and Sister Sara Clayton from Salt Lake. They are here for the coming week to help with some new software in the Dept. of Human Resources. As we talked, it is usually asked where we are from. We told them the Las Vegas area. He said his aunt lived there too. Elder W. asked who that might be and he answered Lora Dee Christensen! What a small world we live in. She is such a dear friend and we lived in the same ward for a period of time. Sis. Clayton took a photo of us together so he could send it to his Aunt Lora Dee to see that we had met. It will be fun to get to know them a little more in the office this week.
Well, it is the middle of August, I can hardly believe how fast time is flying by. We are trying to complete the assignment we have been given. The number of stakes has grown from 28 when we first arrived last September to an amazing 133 now. In just 10 short months, it has quadrupled.

Each day we go to our office asking for the Spirit to teach what should now take place. Each day we are taught, I should say Elder W. is taught, he is the driving force here. I am so very grateful for my dear companion and his tremendous desire to learn what the Lord would have him do and how to further serve in this calling.

I KNOW that Jesus Christ is in charge of this work. I KNOW that he lives, loves and knows us each by name. I have a testimony that we are here, not by accident or coincidence, but by design. I am so very grateful for family and friends who are supportive of our service.

Hold on to "The Iron Rod"
until I write again,
Hermana W.