Sunday, January 2, 2011

We Are On Our Way Home...For A Time

Sept. 9, 2010, our first day in Lima. Henry Utrilla picked us up at the airport after an exhausting day, night and day in airports, finally arriving Peru.

We were very excited to see our office. It would be where we would spend a great deal of our time and effort while we fill this third assignment here in South America.

I can't even begin to recount all the wonderful people we have been able to meet and the many beautiful places we have visited in this ancient country. We have been able to learn some of the history of Peru. We always find that so important. Peru has a very rich heritage.

Although I was hundreds of miles from my family in the United States, none of them were ever out of my mind and heart. I made photos of all the families and placed them on "my family wall." So, so many of the employees and visitors to our office or even delivery people would stop at my dooway and look and ask me about our family. They wanted to know where they all lived, what kind of work they did, how many grandchildren, etc. They took an interest in our family the same way we did with theirs.

We have completed our assignment a little early, so...we are heading home. This photo was our last day in the office. We are standing with the "PEF team" not including the call center. Henry Utrilla, Elder and Sister Seegmiller and Samuel Gomez.
By the time this is posted we will have safely arrived in Las Vegas. We will take some time to recuperate (we are tired) and then, who knows!
We would love to serve again. The Lord has so richly blessed our lives, we need to show our gratitude by "going where He wants us to go" to quote a hymn!
I will continue to write my blog little by little. As a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I pray that all who have followed us in this and past blogs have felt my love for the Gospel. My testimony of the truthfullness of the Book of Mormon and the teachings of the Church continues to grow. I am so very grateful for my Savior and all the blessings the Lord has blessed me with.
Thank you all for taking this journey with us to "The Land Of The Inca." It truly has been another wonderful experience.
Until I write again,
Mom/Grandma or Cheryle