Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank You To All Who Serve

As this is Veteran’s Day in the United States, we reflect somberly on stories seen on the Internet and the television. We, with our family members and our friends are very blessed to live in a country with our freedoms won at the sacrifice of many, many others lives. We are grateful for our great country and the freedoms which really do not come free. In life we have to fight for our rights and freedoms or we may not have them.

I have been thinking quite a bit about the similarities of the living of our life in the mission field as compared to being at home. As we continue to be busy here in Lima each day, we go to the office, complete assignments, attend meetings and maybe even visit with new friends a little. At home (our apartment) the things we do are the same also. There is cooking and cleaning to do, washing and ironing. We study our scriptures, read our lessons, do puzzles, work and write on the computer, we have to do the shopping we even go out for a nice meal now and then, all of the same things we do in Henderson when we are not on a Mission, we are just in a different place in the world.

We are going to be traveling this week and next also. We will be able to see a little more of Peru. Elder W. will be making presentations to 16 Stake Presidents and Bishops in one meeting about how to better help their participants in the PEF program. At this time, many of them feel like the Church expects them to be “bill collectors”. This is not the case at all. We need to change there understanding of their role in this PEF program. There role is one of spiritual guidance. I will have to wait until after the trip to be able to tell you what my role was, as at this point I don’t have a clue.

I will take some photos to share with you about our trip.

We love being in Lima and serving the people of Latin America. We love the Gospel and can feel the hand of the Lord in this wonderful work. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. We know as we continue to serve, our testimonies and those of our children and grandchildren will be strengthened.

So, until I write again,
Hermana W.

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