Thursday, September 16, 2010

Welfare Project In Lima, Peru

Saturday, September 4th in the city of Lima, Peru there was a wonderful welfare project. Ten Stakes participated. All the youth from the our Stake were asked to help. All the priesthood leaders, youth leaders, senior missionaries were invited to join in the fun. This is Elder and Hermana Seegmiller. They are serving in Perpetual Education with us. They are a huge help. They are from the state of Washington. This is their second mission.

These are the hygene kits we put together. In each bag are 2 bars of soap, 5 toothbrushes, a tube of toothpaste, a pair of fingernail clippers with a washcloth.
Hundreds of people came to help, everyone had an assignment. It went like clockwork. It was so well organized!

After we filled and sealed the plastic bag, we passed them on to others who then filled these cardboard boxes with ten kits each. President Cabranes is carrying a box to the area of the cultural hall so it could be added to the count. There were 10 Stakes that took place in this project in 5 different buildings. School kits were also made and will be held here in Peru to be delivered to children on the very ourskirts of Peru.
I love this photo! It is almost all of the youth who took part in our portion of the project. They were very excited because they set a record. Our goal was to pack 5,000 kits in about 3 hours. The second Stake was coming to make the school kits after we were finished. We packed 4,752 kits in 2 hours and 15 minutes. The only reason we did not make our goal of 5000, was because we ran out of product. Of course, there was food waiting for the kids when they were finished. So, the minute the photo was taken they were off to the kitchen. We all had a great time!!!
This worked so well for me, Elder W. was attending a coordinating council meeting with Elder Davila. We both returned home later in the day. I got busy cleaning and begining to pack, will be moving to our new apartment next Saturday. We are very excited about the move, it will finally have some quiet!
Things with us are good we are busy, we can hardly believe that we have been in Lima for ONE YEAR September 8th. My mother always told me "the older you get Cheryle, the faster time goes." I did not believe her then...but now I have known for quite awhile she was right. Time is flying by for everyone we know.
We send our love to you all,
Until I write again,
Hermana W. or just Mom

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