Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We Are Almost Ready

Here we are just a few weeks from our date to report to Lima. Now it is starting to set in. I feel as if we have been in limbo for a little more than a month. We will officially be Missionaries on August 20th. Our Stake President will set us apart that night. We are training in Salt Lake on September 1st, after that it is off to Lima.

We are excited to know we have secured an apartment. That is a great relief! We will be picked up at the airport on September 8th, very late at night and then driven to our apartment. Our last mission in Quito, we spent the first 8 days in a hotel until we found an appropriate apartment. For seniors; to know ahead of time where you are going to live, is a real nice thing. I am excited; it is close to the Area Office and the Lima Temple. We will be able to walk to both.

We have downloaded the program Skype. We bought a webcam so we will be able to speak with our family and friends for free! How cool is that? We have already called and spoken to senior missionaries in Lima, there is even pretty good reception.

We intend to work very hard but enjoy our time also. Our Spanish is coming along; it is funny at how fast you lose your language if you don’t use it. Practice is good.

As the author of this blog; I pray as you follow you will enjoy our adventures and it inspires you to set a goal of a mission in your “senior” years whether your single or married. It is a wonderful experience!

Until I write again,


  1. NOT looking forward to this....this better be the last one DAD!!! Just kidding...well kind of. okay, maybe not.
    I am going to be positive and i can't wait to see what this mission has to offer you both. post lots of pictures. We love you

  2. President and Sister Whitaker,

    Glad to see you posting your material from your missionary service. Enjoyed reading about the McNary's on their blog too. Such beautiful grandkids! Stay in touch.

    Clint Edwards

  3. Thanks for doing this again so we can keep up with your adventures.
