Friday, September 4, 2009

It's Almost Time To Go

It’s Friday, September 04, 2009. We leave in 4 days.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week we were in Salt Lake for training. We met with Elders Cook and Carmack and others. They are all very concerned about the fund (Perpetual Education Fund). Peru has the second greatest number of loans next to Brazil. Much of the training was very familiar to us. As a matter of fact; some of the paperwork is the same we worked with while in Ecuador in 2007. It is very gratifying to see the forms are still being used and are helpful to the PEF staff. I have included a picture of Elders Cook and Carmack and Mishael, who is from Mexico and works for the church. He is a great help to the missionaries. We feel a great weight has been placed on our shoulders, we are praying very hard to accomplish this assignment. We would ask for your prayers also.

While there, we took the opportunity to tour the Conference Center. What a beautiful building! Elder Whitaker has a cousin who paints the portraits of some of the Apostles. His name is William F. Whitaker. We were excited to see several of his paintings which hang in the Conference Center. He is now painting President Monson, I can't wait to see it!

We had another very special experience. As we were coming home in the airport in Salt Lake, we had the chance to encounter Bro. Call; who used to be Elder Call in the Las Vegas Mission ten years previous. He now lives in Houston, Tx. We spoke with him for some time, it was wonderful to see him again and discuss special experiences he had in the Mission.

We have the best friends in the world! They hosted a dinner for us last night. There were six other couples in attendance. We had so much fun; we ate, talked, laughed, ate and laughed some more. We certainly are very blessed.

We started packing today; it takes some time to figure out what to take and not to take. Thank heavens Lima is a very cosmopolitan city, we can buy many things there.

We will miss our children, grandchildren and our friends very, very much, but we know this is what we are to be doing at this time of our lives.

I will write again about a week or so when we get settled in Peru.

Until I write again,
Hermana W.

1 comment:

  1. I came home from dropping the boys off at school yesterday to check to see if you flight had taken off. I found that it was supposed to leave at about 1:40, wasn't sure if that was the right flight as you said only about and hour layover in LA and you left at 6am. Last night the boys had their first soccer practice of the season, I came home to your message on the machine! Still in LA?!?!? What?!?!?!? Leaving around 8pm? was breakfast, lunch & dinner at LAX??? Heeeheee. Well, you hadn't even left American soil yet and the adventures had already started! I'm sure you are in Lima now. I hope your first day there was a good one, and that you are settled soon.
