Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Reason We Traveled To Cusco

This is the reason we traveled to Cusco, to hold these two meetings.
This is a group of participants and their parents from a small town called Siquani...(see-quanee). It is about 2 hours by bus from Cusco. It is hard for them to go to any university, there are none in their town. Many leave their family and stay with some other member closer to Cusco in order to study at the university level.
The best idea for them, is to attend a "technical" school. They have several in their community. It is much cheaper, and they finish much sooner in order to begin working and earning a living. The problem is the same as in larger cities, they want a university degree, even though they are not prepared to get one.
Sicuani is a community of mostly agricultural families. Their schooling should include, auto and truck mechanics, carpentry, ect. This would help them to better live off the land where they live. But they desire more. It is a very difficult situation. Perpetual Education does not help with transportation, living expenses and the like. So...they are struggling. They want the same things other young adults want, more of what the world has to offer.

This was the second meeting of the day. It is a group of students and their parents and some leaders from the Cusco area. It was at their Stake Center. Both meetings were held here.
Elder W. is teaching his principle that first the program is first spiritual, then temporal. We are trying to change the mindset of the leaders and the students and the families. I have mentioned this in earlier postings. I think we are making some progress, the financial reports I get daily, indicate we are seeing progress made as they better understand their responsibility.

This is again Cusco, they were very excited to be at this meeting. We had a wonderul attendance.
Many of these young people have younger brothers and sisters who will eventually be participants too.
If their parents and leaders are involved at this beginning point, then we will see even greater results of repayment. Even though it is a spiritual program, if the students do not repay their loan, there will be no Perpetual Education Fund for the future students. So the temporal side is important too.

One of our favorite photos of the trip.
Elder Whitaker, The President of Siquani Stake; Elder Renee Loli; one of the bishops; the President of Cusco Stake and the Director of Seminaries and Insitutes in Cusco.
Elder Loli is being released at this General Conference. He has served 5 years as an Area 70.
We are very sad, we love him and his teaching, he has been the best companion teacher for Elder W. we have been able totravel with him three times.

This is my favorite photo of the trip. You all recognize this type of bulletin board in our chapels. This is in the Cusco Stake Center. The entire bottom rows of photos are missionaries either out on their mission or will be leaving
within a month or so.

Count them; there are 18!!!!! From mostly poor families. The left side are photos of missionaries and their favorite scriptures. The right side are missionaries who have returned home. The photos are of some of the families that were taught the Gospel and the baptisms that resulted. They are very proud of this board and their missionary effort;

A Cusco Mission is being created in July. President Calderon will be the new Mission President. Right now, Cusco is part of the Lima South mission.

Overall this was trip was a great success. We were able to meet and interact with the students.
We serve because we Love our Father in Heaven. We are so richly blessed to know that He is real and His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, is real and gave of His life for us. The Lord is ready to answer our prayers at every turn.
We wish all our family and friends a wonderful Easter. We know the real reason for Easter, is the resurection of Jesus Christ.
Love to you all, until I write again,
Hermana W.

1 comment:

  1. how fun to really see how you guys work. LOVE dad's smile in the picture with all the brothers. Guess he really is happy doing this huh?! love ya
