Saturday, June 19, 2010

Our "Lunch Bunch" Farewell

Every month we have what is called the "lunch bunch." It was started before I entered the mission here in Lima. I usually don't do too many activities with the senior missionary couples, but the Monday afternoon lunches are so fun. We usually meet at someones home, this one was special because we were saying farewell to two of the ladies, Sis. Ramirez, and Donna Butterfield.

At the table from left to right: Sis. Noall, Sis. Bowman, Sis. Austin, Sis. Cordon, Sis. Beals, Sis. Slingerland, Sis. Ramirez, Sis. Armstrong, Sis. Langlois.

Sis. Ramirez and her husband served as Temple Missionaries, since this lunch they are now home. Donna Butterfield's husband has been the Controller for the Church in this area. After living in several different Spanish speaking countries for many years, he has been re-assigned to Moscow. It will be interesting for them to say the least. Their kids are real troopers! They have lived outside the U.S. for most of their lives and are now excited to go to learn another language and experience another culture. My hat is off to this great family and wish them great success.
Side note: The Butterfields will be living in Moscow right next door to our friends from Henderson, Pres. and Sis. Wolley. He is a Mission President in Moscow.

This is Megan Fonseca and her adorable daughter. She and her husband with their two small children moved to Lima about 3 months ago. Great family. We circulated a "baby shower card" with a little money from each of us for her. She will have her baby the end of this month, we all wish them the best. He works for a private company here in Lima.

This was my lunch. It was a cold, damp day (what's new). I ordered some nice HOT cream of mushroom soup, I was not disappointed; it was wonderful. Croutons with fresh shredded parmesan cheese. YUMMY!!!!! A great lunch and good friends, what more on a Monday could I ask for; warmer weather?

Sis. Nash, (in the middle) and her daughter Kirsten on her right got here a little late. Sis. Nash is the wife of the Area President. They have been here for three years. She also teaches early morning seminary.

Several of the sisters moved around to talk to the others at the end of the table. Sis. Brooke Sorenson (white shirt on the right) is one of the sisters who organizes our get-togethers. Her husband works for the American Embassy here in Lima.

This is Donna taking her last few shots of her time with us. We had so much fun using each others cameras to take photos of each other so we all got some good ones to share. Donna was also the
President of the Young Women in the ward we attend, her husband was a councilor to the
Bishop. They will be missed in many ways, for many reasons. We will continue to stay in touch!!!!

Three good friends have to say "farewell" for awhile. As well as being a Temple Missionary Sis. Ramiez taught piano to many of the young people in the ward. Often, the family does not have the money or a piano available to learn the piano. Some of the outlying wards sing all their hymns without a piano, because theyhave no pianist. Elder Ramirez directed the music in Sacrament meeting also.

I just noticed, the KFC behind us is across the parking lot from this restaurant. It is not where we had our luncheon.

I hope that you, our family and friends, are enjoying the things I share. We miss you all very much. We pray each day for safety and health to be yours. My love for our Father and Jesus Christ grows stronger each day as I witness the love and care HE has for HIS children.

The Perpetual Education Program is just one of the evidences of His Love. The program is not perfect, but the goal IS; to help the young people become better educated, better husbands, wives, providers, stronger members and leaders in the church. I am grateful that Father has the confidence that Elder Whitaker and I together can help make a small difference in this inspired program.

My love to you all,
Until I write again,

Hermana W.

1 comment:

  1. that is so funny you mentioned the KFC sign. My FIRST thought was....MOM! you eat KFC????? that was funny. so glad you are making some amazing friends along your journey. we miss you tons!
