Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our Birthday 2010 In Lima, Peru

This is just a great photo!! It is all the volunteers and the staff of our PEF office.

It was May 27th, it was OUR birthday. Yes, it is true, Elder W. and I share the same birth date. He has fun telling people that I am one year older than he, but it is he who is one year older.

The "kids" in the call center had been asking me for days whether it was going to be Elder W.'s birthday soon. I told Regina that it was. He did not want them to do anything for us. We always buy a cake for each person when it is their birthday, and we have a party. We did not want them to do that for us. As you can see, they surprised us with a small cake to take home for the evening, it has lasted us for 4 nights now.

For several days here in Lima, we had a visit from Elder Cook who is the Managing Director of the Perpetual Education Fund. (He is in the photo standing next to Elder W.) No one told him what was going on, so he just sang along, then he realized it was OUR birthday. It was all done very quickly, he had a plane to catch to Bolivia.

He was in South America for 2 weeks traveling to 5 different countries. Meetings were held and he conducted "focus groups" with some participants in each country. It was a very busy trip for him. His wife is Sister Cook of the Young Women General Presidency. They combined their travels to meet her needs also. She was doing some training of Stake Young Women Leaders. Sister Allred of the Relief Society General Presidency also was in the group of travelers. She had an assignment similar to Sister Cook, train the leaders. It was a very busy week for everyone, but especially our visitors from Salt Lake City.

How do you like my red knit outfit? I bought it months ago and I have been waiting for the weather to change so that I could wear it. Well, it has changed. That is how I got my cold. In two days we went from summer through fall right into winter. Three days later it was warm again. So...we never really know what the weather is going to be like from day to day and everyone always says "welcome to Lima."

It is a very comfortable warm outfit. I can remove the poncho of course, but it is so warm think I kept it on all day.
The bottom of the skirt has the same motif as the poncho.

I am sorry, this is a short writing, I am trying to get as much rest as I can. Elder W. started coming down with the same cold yesterday, and it always hits him harder. will be awhile until we are really both healthy again.

I hope this finds you all well and making plans for a good summer. We send our love.

Until I write again,
Hermana W.

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