Saturday, May 22, 2010

Elder Jimenez Enters The MTC In Lima, Peru

Elder Jimenez from Managua, Nicaragua entered the MTC (CCM in Spanish) May 20th. I have been so excited for this day. We found out several months ago that he would be here in Lima. He has a very sweet spirit about him and is very prepared to be a missionary.

Myself with Elder Jimenez and Elder W. on the grounds of the MTC. I knew him the minute I saw him, and of course we were not to hard to pick out!

Here is Elder Jimenez and his new companion outside the cafeteria. All the missionaries were getting ready to get in the lunch line.

So, here is MY story of Elder Dnnis Jimenez.

While our daughter Shannyn served her mission in Panama/Costa Rica, she taught a part member family.
Dnnis, is the son of one of the daughters in that family.

Over the years, Shannyn has remained in contact with the two sisters. Several months ago, Gabriela, (Dnnis's mother) wrote that he was going to be serving his mission in Peru. Then I found Gabriela on FB (Facebook)and we began to communicate. Elder Jimenez was also on FB and he and I began a "count- down" to the day of his arrival in Lima.
I have retold "my story" to several of our friends here in the Lima area. Actually, I think I have told just about everyone in the Lima area. President and Hermana Manning are friends and I had previously told them the story. He is the Mission President of the Lima, Sur (South) Mission. Several weeks before his arrival, Hermana Manning told me he would be in their mission.
The day before his arrival, I spoke with Pres. and Hermana Whetten, he is the President of the MTC. I wanted to know if it would permitted for us to meet him and maybe speak with him for a few minutes. They were delighted to hear the story. They said we could have lunch with him one day during the next three weeks.
So... May 2oth, 2010 became a "payday" for our daughter Shannyn and of course for Gabriela and her husband.
Sometimes we never know how far reaching our service can be. Of all the MTC's and missions in the world that he could have been called, Lima, Peru; and we are here at the same time. To me that is just incredible. I do not believe in coincidence. We are so thrilled to meet him and get to know him a little and maybe even see him in action.
Yesterday, Friday May 21, we had the privilege of being invited to a Missionary meeting at the MTC. The guest was Elder Jay Jensen of the Seventy. All four of the missions in Lima were invited to attend, their Presidents and wives, the Temple President and his wife, Area Presidency and their wives. To be with all the missionaries, young and older is awesome.
It us such a blessing to be able to attend these functions.
Elder Jensen taught the missionaries that when they teach the people to use the hymns of the church to invite the Spirit and remember "you are just reminding the people of things they learned in the pre-existance." The most interesting thing for me; that is a principle my husband learned during his many years of service and he has continued to teach. All things are a continuation of the pre-existance. I love hearing the doctrine taught, it reaffirms what I have been blessed to learn over the years. It was a wonderful meeting, the Spirit was incredibly strong.
He asked if any of the missionaries had any questions. There were four Elders with questions. I thought it very insightful, "our" Elder Jimenez asked Elder Jensen a question. He is comfortable with who he is that he could ask a General Authority a question in a public meeting the second day of his mission! It seemed obvious to me that he has been taught well by his parents and many others. Some days are much better than others, this was a good WEEK!

My love to all,

Until I write again,
Hermana W.

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