Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Mother's Day Tribute

There is nothing more wonderful in the world than bearing children! Bearing them for me was the easy part, it was the raising of them that was difficult!

My children and grandchildren are the light of my life. I know some of them don't realize that I feel that way, but it is the truth. As a parent and grandparent it is very hard to watch your family members being tried and tested. My prayers are constant for them, and I am certain other mothers are also. Trials and hardships are the reason we are sent to this earth. Our characters need to be molded and formed. I am so, so grateful for the trials of life. I have passed through many, and as I look back, I see how the Lord has allowed growth to take place.

This is a picture of our children taken many years ago. From the top: Richard, Scott, Cindy, Jamie, Shannyn and Tracy. I am sure they will not be happy I used it, but it is one of my very favorite and was taken an a very special day!

This photo is Becky. She was killed in 1992, she is now a missionary on the other side of the veil. We will be together again in the eternities!

Forgive me, some of the photos are very old. I don't have access to my pictures from home. But you hopefully you will understand the sentiment I am trying to express here.

These are our four living girls having fun together. From the top; Cindy, Shannyn, Jamie and Tracy. This was taken while they were all having fun together. We are so glad they are all good friends.

I am so sorry, I have worked really hard to post this photo of our son Richard and his wife Emilie. It scanned too large, so I had to do some trickery. They live in McKinney, Tx. and have 2 boys and a darling daughter. We are blessed to have Emilie as part of our family.

This is our son Scott and his wife Corinna. She is like our daughter. They live in Spokane Valley, Washington with they three boys.

This post is dedicated to my family, but I honor all my friends and women who are mothers. In truth, all woman are nurturing to so many. Some women don't have children of their own, but they are like surrogate mothers to others.

Sharon McClelland. Sharon is one of those people who goes the extra mile for others. She is a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and dear friend. She is also one of the most knowledgeable women I have ever known.

Karen Holland, her husband is our Stake President in Henderson; at least he was when we left, but who knows
if that will be true when we return home?
She is a beautiful person inside and out.
A wonderful example to all!

Janet Zobrist, she just became a grandmother for the 22nd time. She passed me with my 21. I am so glad this is not a contest. We keep in touch by email and I'm glad to say Facebook too. She is such a good grandmother.

Kim Griesmer (Hermana G. to most). She has since returned home. She was the secretary to both President Lara and President Sloan. She is a wonderful mother, grandmother and faithful friend and sister in the Gospel.

Hermana Cindy Sloan. She is the mother to the missionaries in the Quito, Ecuador Mission. She is darling. We were blessed to see them brefly here in Lima last October at a Mission Presidents Seminar. It was wonderful to see them.

Donna Butterfield. Her husband is the Area Controller to the five countries in the South America Northwest Area. They have lived outside the United States for several assignments. They recently found out they have been re-assigned to a new Area in August. They will be going to Russia. They will be blessed to know our good friends the Wooley's and the Lovett's who by then will be settled in also. What a small, small world we live in.

These are just a FEW examples of the hundreds of wonderful women and there are SO many more. I am grateful for the many great examples and teachers I have had during my life, and the lives of my children.

My mother, Madelyn Angel, did not have the Gospel in her life. She was a wonderful mother to my brother and me. I miss her very much. She died of cancer in 1999.
This was our last family reunion picture, 2008. Our two boys and their families were not able to be with us. I have the hope that when we return in 2011, we can have a wonderful time with ALL our family members present. We love them all so very much.

I am grateful to KNOW that I am a daughter of God. I am grateful too for the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and KNOW that they live and love each one of us, as I love each of my children.

I have a very happy heart tonight, and I have much to be happy about! A very Happy Mother's Day to all of you.
Until I write again,
Your loving mother,
or Hermana W.

1 comment:

  1. you are an amazing mom, best friend, grandmother, sister, aunt, and the BEST WIFE! lol. you amazing me in your faithfulness in the gospel with all the trials you have been handed. I LOVE YOU MOM!! Happy Mother's Day. can't wait to hug you.
