Saturday, January 9, 2010

More About Our Travels

Going back to the visit with Shannyn, Greg and the boys; we were able to have our driver on Friday, December 18, take us to central Lima. The Governor's palace is there. We were lucky to catch the noon "changing of the guard."
It was very interesting, but let's just say it is not like London Palace. They don't have it quite together like that. But it was very ceremonial. To the right, out of this picture with their backs to the crowd, is a small band playing, I assume the National Song of Peru. We were all gathered across the street from the Palace.

I took this picture of Elder W. (aka Dad) and Greg in Cuzco. It was, I thought, rather good of them both. They do real well together, they are actually very much alike. They are used to being alone and sometimes they prefer it. They are both very organized men, knowledgeable in gospel matters and many other subjects too. Greg is a "goer," he does not sit a lot. All of our sons-in-law love to ride trail bikes, hike, climb and vacation. Greg does all of those things in one trip if he can. Unlike some men, MINE, Greg loves to shop. He loves to look for antiques and good deals from all the countries he is able to travel in. He brings home treasures all the time. They mentioned to us that they would like to return and stay with us again next summer. Greg wants to hike the "Inca Trail." It is an ancient trail that takes 4 days and 3 nights to hike to Maccu Picchu. We shall see about that!

Mentioning how much we all love to shop, this is a market-place we stopped at when we had a little extra time. It is just an example of how many things are available in one location. This is just one small section of many, many shops. There are ponchos, hats, shawls, tee-shirts, blankets and much more.
It truly is amazing how much the artisans can put in these spaces. Sometimes there is very little space to walk in between the items for sale. There are things hanging, folded on tables and sitting on paper on the floor.
I wish you were able to "catch a whiff" of the smell too. In other spaces they are selling food, so you get the total effect. When Elder W. and I are in places like this, we always say to one another, "now we are in South America." It's not like going to the mall. Greg finds these types of shoping places in whatever country he is in; so he says it is not just South America. For our experience, we have only been outside the United States in Ecuador and Peru.

This is a picture of Lake Titicaca as we were returning to our hotel after our wonderful day on the lake. The sun was setting and the clouds were gathering. It was just beautiful. Shannyn was asleep in the cabin of the boat and we were all pretty tired that day. I think we all ate dinner and at least Elder W. and I were in bed quite early. There is something about the water that is very calming and tiring at the same time. Greg and Elder W. got really sunburned. Shannyn put sunblock on the boys, so they were not too bad.

Things have pretty much gone back to normal for us. We are very blessed to have secured another driver. Jack, our first driver was able to get a good job as a truck driver for a construction company. We are very happy for he and Regina. They have the baby coming next month, and this is a permanent job for him. Our new driver Eric, has a brand new car and lives about 2 miles from our apartment. It is very convenient for us and a huge help for he and his family. We are always happy to be able to help someone out financially. The Lord has been very good to us throughout our 4 months in Lima. We live far from our office so taxi rides every day can get costly so a driver is the best way to go. Elder W. asked one of the employees at the office building (he is also a Bishop) if he knew of anyone who was looking for a job as a driver, someone who had his own car. Bishop Canar suggested talking to Eric. It works great.
That is about all for now. We pray this year will be a good one for each and every one of you. We pray for our family and friends at home who support us, and understand why we continue to serve the Lord. It is so our family will be blessed. We love them and want so much for them, including to have their testimonies strenghened. As we pray for them daily to be "watched over and angels to attend," we know this will happen and as we serve, the Lord will answer our prayers.
Until I write again,
Hermana W.

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