Saturday, January 2, 2010

More Of Our Wonderful Trip With Our Family

Well, we are alone again. Our apartment seems quiet and empty. Shannyn, Greg and the boys flew home Thursday night. While we went to work on that last day, Shan went to the Temple here in Lima. Greg and the boys just did their own thing waiting for her. About noon they came to our office and met several of our co-workers and friends. Then it was off to do their final shopping. We met up with them late in the afternoon and had our last dinner together at our favorite chicken place.
Greg had used a travel company that provided a van to and from the airport. Leo (the driver) arrived about 10:15 that night. They packed up the van (and I mean PACKED) and drove to the airport. We are usually in bed no later that ten pm, so after we said our goodbyes and hugged and hugged, we were pretty tired. It was time for bed about 11 pm. They had quite a wait at the airport. Their flight was at 1:15 am, but because it was in international flight they had to be there 2 to 3 hours ahead.
In my last writing, I forgot a very interesting, funny (at least to me) part of our trip. When we were in Quito, Ecuador both of our previous missions, we had friends and co-workers tell us we needed to go to the Galapagos Islands. We really had no time and without grandchildren with us, we had no interest either. So, when we boarded our boat for our trip on Lake Titicaca, I looked at the name of the boat and it said “The Galapagos”. How excited was I? I could now tell everyone I had been on the Galapagos, and it was not a lie! It's hard to read, but it really does say "Galapagos".

Speaking of Lake Titicaca, I am showing you one of the best things we saw on that part of our trip. We visited the floating island of “Santa Maria”, they have a metal shed that they use as a schoolhouse. It was such a delight to see that the children go to school. Apparently, all the children from all the surrounding floating islands come to this island for school. The English alphabet is on the wall. They had Elder W’s. favorite book, “The Cat In The Hat”. He read that book to our children years ago. Many other books had been donated to them in English and Spanish; their native language is Quechua and Amara.
I want to tell you a little more about the people and sights of Peru. We have been blessed in all three of our assignments to have a few places to visit and shop that are safe, fun and yet very “South America”. With Shannyn and Greg it was the same. We shopped in many little squares, “tiendas”, out of the way, and in the mainstream of things too. They love to shop for unique items and antiques. We were able to help them find some of these places. It was fun. Nate was able to get an “Andean flute”, which you can see he has, and Nick wanted to buy this great mask, he did not buy it, but it looked great on him. Jake wanted a knife; he eventually found one.
Shannyn and Greg found many things to purchase.
Elder W. bought me a very nice necklace and earring set, symbolizing the eternities.
In Lima the surrounding mountains are just plain dirty brown. As we traveled and got on the roads outside of Lima and it becomes more like the green quilt-like mountainsides we have missed. Again we saw the plots of green cultivated ground where there are sections of crops growing, giving the mountain the look of a patchwork quilt with the different colors of green.
On our way to Lake Titicaca we had an extra 45 minutes so we stopped in an area with a very large Andean marketplace. I had an interesting and very unexpected emotional experience. As I stepped out of our van the music of the Andes was playing. I looked at the mountains nearby and I began to cry. I squeezed the hand of Elder W. and told him I had not realized how much I missed Quito. Even as I write this I have the same emotions again. It is not that we do not enjoy Lima, it is just very different!
We are back at work now, the month and year has ended (I still can’t believe that). Elder W. is compiling his month-end report. I keep the records of payments throughout the month and he adds it to his report. I have made it a practice to email or text each student and thank them for their faithfulness in making their payments. It is not only an acknowledgement to them that we are keeping track, but it is wonderful to get emails in return from them, thanking me for thinking of them. It is a very rewarding part of what I do.
Today is Saturday; our “P” day. That’s mission talk for the day of "preparation" for the coming week. We went to the grocery store and did our usual shopping for food and home supplies. We came home put the food away and left again for our weekly walk to another much smaller center.
We like this walk it is just far enough to be comfortable to walk there and back. We are excited, we found and bought a puzzle of Machu Picchu; it will take us quite awhile, but we have time. Of course I will take a picture and post it when we finish putting it together.

So until I write again,
Hermana W.

1 comment:

  1. The Galapagos Islands are the most incredible museum of evolutionary changes with hundreds of endemic species. It is definitively worth visiting it.
