Sunday, January 17, 2010

More Of Our First December In Lima

Here is more about our first December in Lima.
I am still talking about our great trip with our family. This was taken in the Sacred Valley on our way from Cuzco to Lake Titicaca. Our grandsons really liked this part of the trip. We all had our pictures taken with this family.
Elder W. and I are with the mother and her one of her children. They sit on the side of the road, when cars or busses stop, they get their children ready, fetch the animals and the photo session begins. We spent about 20 minutes here. I was so afraid of being "soiled" or stepped on, I was giddy, thus the strange face.

Since the Christmas tree in our apartment consisted of a fake ficus tree with one strand of twinkling lights, (pathetic) I loved entering the office building each day during the holidays. There was a beautifully decorated tree in the corner and a Nativity set up right in the center of the foyer.
When we returned to our office the Monday after Christmas there was quite a bit of work that had piled up, so we dug in and completed the month end report. We have so pleased to see the Priesthood and the participants respond so well to our emails, phone calls and interaction with them.
One day we decided to give all our volunteers a Pizza Party for the great job they do. We had pizza, soda, and a chocolate cake. Boy do they love pizza!

I have written before in other entries about our "driver" Jack. He was blessed to get a full time job driving construction trucks. Regina was a volunteer in the call center in our office. They are going to have their first baby in February, that's about 3 weeks from now. On the same day we had our pizza party, several of the sisters in the office building who have known and worked with Regina for some time, gave her a baby shower. It was a TOTAL surprise. They were given most of the large items needed for a new baby. They are sooooo cute!
The next week was Regina's last week with us in the office. We miss Jack, but our new driver, Eric is working out very well. We miss Regina's sweet spirit in the office; she may come back after the baby, at least for a few hours each week.
So that is how our year ended, very busy and with great success. We are very happy to be in Lima at this time.
We had a wonderful Christmas and pray you did too; let's have a great New Year!
Until I write again,
Hermana W.

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